
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Craig Easter

This year the true meaning of Easter has really been on my heart and mind...Maybe it is all the time in the car (1,200 miles already this week) but I have had little extra time to reflect on the significance of this day. We were privilege to spend Easter Sunday morning at my in-laws church in Bethany, OK. Easter Sunday, the pastor talked about the resurrection as the turning point of human history and the empty tomb as the most powerful symbol in Christianity. His message really struck me: Without Easter = The cross = ancient death trap.... Christmas = meaningless... Jesus = A prophet? A quack? ... Disciples = Fisherman. I loved how he described the authentic elements of the resurrection story like the women going to the tomb first, the disappointment of the disciples and their initial return to their former life, and the initial assumption that Jesus' body had been stolen rather than resurrected. I love how we catch a glimpse of the humaneness of the disciples in this story... Despair, doubt, and fear that is turned to pure joy upon realization that the battle had been won!

Throughout this Easter season, I have watched so many around me deal with great suffering. It seems that cancer and death are everywhere. I have quite a soft spot for little babies (maybe because of my miracle baby), and watching friends suffer with infertility and the loss of babies is heartbreaking. Many of these situations leave us asking Why... It seems the prayer list is longer than ever and suffering is widespread. Easter is such a great reminder that although there is great suffering on Friday, you are not alone, abandoned, or defeated the victory has been won. I am reminded daily of how God has watched over and protected my family and performed so many miracles, and yet I stand in awe of friends who in the midst of their suffering choose joy, choose to praise Him. Maybe, I am feeling a little sentimental these days, but the excitement, the JOY, the VICTORY of Easter really struck me this year and I had to share!

Sissy was already tired... So, not a very cooperative picture bunch this year

Their love is mutual!!

As good as we could get with these tired kiddos... I need Photoshop lessons ;)

Miss Madison was a real ham this year! I love how she adores her Mimi!

These kiddos LOVE Uncle Chad

Peeking at the Easter Egg "Hiders"

It was really the coldest Easter I can remember ...

LOVE the spectators

I'm pretty sure he's stealing a few eggs...
What the "Easter Bunny" left ;)

Little Aviator

Ok... I just love this! Pardon the Easter basket mess in the background, but this just captures little miss personality!

Pictures to help me get some ideas for next year ;)

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