
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Morgan's Dedication

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating with family. It was SO nice to have everyone in town with some time to just enjoy everyone's company! Since everyone lives so far, we decided to have a BIG weekend in Memphis. We celebrated Jacob's 3rd Birthday on Saturday and dedicated Morgan on Sunday.  In our church, a baby dedication is a ritual, in which, we as parents place Morgan back in God's hands. It signifies our faith in Jesus, as parents, and our desire that Morgan may early know and follow the will of God. As Nazarenes, we do not baptize babies and leave baptism as a public testimony of your faith in Christ, which is done after a child asks Jesus into their heart. I hope I did a good enough job explaining that! :) I grew up in the Lutheran church (which does baptize babies), so I felt I needed to clarify a bit for some family and friends.

We are so thankful for a church family who truly takes the name "House of Prayer" to heart. Not only is Calvary Church truly a house of prayer, but it is a FAMILY of believers! I am honored to be able to raise my babies with the love, support, and prayers of not only our blood family (who also have a wonderful Christian legacy) but our family of believers. Thank you to each of you who pray for us as we try to raise our children in a Godly home, and help them early come to know Jesus as their Savior!

The invitations... I just loved them... I know I am a bit of an old-fashioned, girly-girl ;)

LOVED her dedication gown... Although, I had a hard time getting Miss Morgan to sit still for a pictur

Mr. Serious... I think he was still on Cloud 9 from his tractor party.

LOVED his suit... I wish I could pull his jacket down in this picture!

Mimi with Miss Morgan.... Isn't that gown gorgeous?!!

Maybe one of my favorite pictures of all time!

Love this one!

She was listening so INTENTLY to the pastor pray!

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