
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Here's what's happening with Baby #2

I haven't started taking belly pictures yet because I really don't feel like am looking pregnant yet! But, I will start soon! I am still wearing all my normal clothes with no problem, but I am starting to notice my belling getting slightly bigger... Especially after dinner! So, far really no weight gain to speak of, and everything is looking perfect with Baby GIRL! (Blood pressure and everything is PERFECT so far! Hoping and Praying it stays that way!) I haven't felt much in the way of baby moving (the doctors have said my placenta is on the front of my belly and acts like a big pillow so it may be a little longer before I feel her) :( But, Today for the very first time, I felt her kick! I had the baby monitor on my belly listening to Jacob nap, and the baby KICKED the monitor! You could see the monitor MOVE! Sibling rivalry already! :)

Week 18:Covered in wax & nowhere to slip

Fetal development in pregnancy week 18

5.6 in | 14 cm
6.7 oz | 190 g
WOOHOO! We have two more ounces of amazing baby this week!
Your super-cute uterus hi-jacker is smack in the middle of a growth spurt!
Oh and guess what? They're also all slathered in a greasy, waxy, cheese-like substance known as vernix caseosa.
Yeah, it sounds pretty nasty, but the mixture of fatty secretions covers your little swimmer from head to toe and protects their paper-thin skin from bruising, abrasions, and chapping caused by amniotic fluid exposure.
And then there's the birthing process, right? You know, where you have to push something the size of a watermelon out a hole the size of a grape.
Well, that adorable little greased piglet would have a lot harder time getting through the birth canal if they didn't have that greasy vernix caseosa slip-n-sliding them out of your hyper-extended birth canal.

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